System Quote Logs
When a quote is redrawn and completed (within the Point of Sale or Invoicing Systems) the system will automatically generate a log on both the Quote AND the Sale. The Continue ReadingSystem Quote Logs
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When a quote is redrawn and completed (within the Point of Sale or Invoicing Systems) the system will automatically generate a log on both the Quote AND the Sale. The Continue ReadingSystem Quote Logs
Within ‘Quote Maintenance’ Users can now ‘find’ Quotes by ‘Specified Product’. Selecting ‘Specified Product’ from the ‘Find’ drop down box users can then type in their Product Number in and Continue ReadingQuote Maintenance
A number of fields relating to quotes have been removed from the Mail Order configuration screen. These fields are now contained in the Quotes Configuration screen. The fields Continue ReadingMail Order Configuration – Removed Fields
A number of fields relating to quotes have been removed from the Invoice configuration screen. These fields are now contained in the Quotes Configuration screen. The fields that have been Continue ReadingInvoice Configuration – Removed Fields
A new Quote Maintenance screen has been designed and added to the system. This works in much the same way as any other Maintenance screens. Users can search for any Continue ReadingQuote Maintenance
The Mail Order Quote Maintenance screen has been removed. It has been replaced with a new Quote Maintenance screen under the Quotes heading.
The Invoice Quote Maintenance screen has been removed. It has been replaced with a new Quote Maintenance screen under the Quotes heading.
Users now have the ability to create Quote ‘Templates’. These can be recreated multiple times, for example, wanting to create mostly the same quote with a few differences for each Continue ReadingQuote Templates