Invoicing > Zone Summary
A Zoned Invoice that has not been despatched due to being fully short supplied, will now show on the Zone Summary with a carton count of 0 (instead of being Continue ReadingInvoicing > Zone Summary
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
A Zoned Invoice that has not been despatched due to being fully short supplied, will now show on the Zone Summary with a carton count of 0 (instead of being Continue ReadingInvoicing > Zone Summary
An Update has been made to Invoice Amalgamation. A new drop-down selection is now available in Customer Maintenance > Delivery with the following options. System Default No Yes Yes, with Continue ReadingCustomer Maintenance – Amalgamate Invoice
A new field has been added to the Confirmations system within ACR. The additional field is the Carrier field and will display the carrier attached to the invoice when it Continue ReadingConfirmation System
The restriction to enter a Pallet Count for zoned invoices has been removed from RF Guns, Despatch and Confirmation Systems. Users must still enter the mandatory carton count but will Continue ReadingZoned Invoices – RF Guns, Despatch and Confirmations Systems