Order Entry by Supplier
A change has been made to Order Entry By Supplier when ordering Miscellaneous Items. The Product Description can now be edited if the product is flagged as a “Miscellaneous Item”.
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
A change has been made to Order Entry By Supplier when ordering Miscellaneous Items. The Product Description can now be edited if the product is flagged as a “Miscellaneous Item”.
A change has been made to Order Entry By Product when ordering Miscellaneous Items. The Product Description can now be edited if the product is flagged as a “Miscellaneous Item”.
Some changes have been made to the checks performed when opening a Payroll Entry Batch. When users click on the OK button after entering all appropriate dates, the system will Continue ReadingPayroll Entry
Some changes have been made to how Pay Allocations can be created/modified in the Payroll System. When the “Trans Type” is “Income” and the “Income Type” is “Amount” then the Continue ReadingPay Allocation Maintenance
There has been a new tickbox added to the Misc Configuration screen called ‘Auto Discontinue Stk Alloc’. When Stock Allocations is run and the ‘Auto Discontinue Stk Alloc’ tickbox is set Continue ReadingMisc Configurations
A new field has been added to the Export / Import Utility under the Customer drop down called ‘Web Stock Area’.
A new field has been added to Report Generator under the Customer drop down called ‘Web Stock Area’.
A new field has been added to the Customer Maintenance screen under the “Web Data” button called ‘Web Stock Area’.
A change has been made so that the Standard eDocs merge fields will now work when printing a document using the PDF output option. Please Note; There can be times Continue ReadingPrinting to PDF
A number of changes are being made to Set Length tracking. A new option has been added to the Set Length dropdown called “Random”. The following rules apply: “Random” cannot Continue ReadingProduct Maintenance Shoptalk – Set Lengths