Within ACR Barcodes are one of the methods used to identify products throughout the entire system. Having barcodes setup correctly on products is critical to the smooth operation of your ordering/sales system. Barcodes can be used in all interactions that relate to products within your system. Examples of these are purchase orders, stock receipts, sales, picking slips and stocktakes.
If you are using a barcode scanner at either Point of Sale or in a Warehouse for order picking having the correct barcodes set for the correct packaging level is critical to reducing errors in your sales, product picking and stock files.
The ACR system is able to help manage barcodes on products with the revision of the Barcode maintenance screen http://www.acr.com.au/updates/?p=1041 that makes managing product barcodes easier. All barcodes configured as well as what type and priority each has been assigned can be seen on a single screen per product.
The ability to add, remove or generate barcodes for products that do not already have them is available from the same barcode maintenance screen.