Export / Import Menu Security > New Menu item

A new menu called ‘Export / Import Menu Security’ has been created giving sites the ability to export/import their Security Maintenance settings, in a .txt file format. (Administrator group only). Once exported, the file can be manipulated and imported back into the system so sites can update User Groups permissions on Menu Items in bulk.

When using the Export/Import Menu Security item, the system will prompt the User with the following screen, using the ellipsis button […]  users can then choose where they export the file to / import the file from.

The file will contain:

  • Every Menu Item
  • Security Permissions per User Group assigned  (Given numerical representations which can be found within the ‘File Details’ button).
  • ‘Pass Prompt’ and ‘Disable’ flags 
  • A ‘Non Modifiable’ column will show a T(True) or F(False) based on the User that exported the data out (Permissions can only be updated on the Menu items that the logged in User has ‘Delete’ Access for) .

On Import, the information will populate on the screen for review. Users can then drill down on any Warnings/Errors by clicking the ‘Summary’ button.

The information imported in will replace all existing permissions within Security Maintenance.

Note: On export every Menu Item within ACR will be exported, however, the User that imports the file back in will only be able to update records that they have the permission of ‘Delete’. A warning will be shown in this scenario.