Distributors Specific WET Functionality

Distributors Stock Maintenance

Within Distributors Stock Maintenance, the following checkbox has been created:

  • WET Applicable

When ticked, this will allow the system to identify that the Product needs to have WET functionality applied

Phocas Update Utility

When the below files are Output to Disk, the file will now include these new columns respectfully:

  • File: phocascustmast_{SITE}.txt
    • Column: WET Exempt
    • Column: WET Exempt Until
  • File: phocasproductmaster_{SITE}.txt
    • Column: WET Applicable
  • File: phocastransmaster_{SITE}.txt
    • Column: Unit WET $
    • Column: Line WET $

Distributors Web Output

When the below files are Output to Disk, the file will now include these new columns respectfully:

  • File: webcustomermaster_{SITE}.txt
    • Column: WET Exempt
    • Column: WET Exempt Until
  • File: webproductmaster_{SITE}.txt
    • Column: WET Applicable
  • File: webtransactionmaster_{SITE}.txt
    • Column: Unit WET $
    • Column: Line WET $

Price Validation

When Price Validation occurs, it will now take into account applicable WET values when working out the system price to validate against the supplied price.