ACR System > new HTML Email format

Sites now have the ability to enable Email HTML functionality from within the ACR System. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a standard language format used when viewing Web style emails/pages. Please read through the below configurations to enable this feature within your system:

Misc Configurations

Within Miscellaneous Configurations, a new tick box called ‘Enable HTML Emails’ has been created. Whilst this will default to false, when ticked on (set to True), external emails will be sent out in a HTML format. 

Prior to ticking this on and activating this feature within your system, users can access the below configurations to view how emails could potentially appear. Once this is enabled all sessions will need to be restarted for the change to become effective within the session.

Email Template Configuration

Within the new Email Template Configuration menu, users will have the ability to view, modify and test how each Edoc Type appears in a HTML format. Whilst the system will default to Layout 1 and Theme: Blue, users can Customise the Theme by creating their own colour template or simply select from the default dropdown list.

Users can edit the detail stored within Header 1, Header 2, Footer and Logo URL text boxes. The Logo URL field only supports .jpg or .png images. The details saved will be applied to ALL Edoc Types when using the HTML format for system emails.

Users can select the ‘Include Table’ tickbox to view what the list of products will look like in the email when included. Depending on what B2B Advice setting Customers have set, the table of related product information may or may not be included.

It should be noted that the Email body text is only editable within the appropriate menus ie. eDoc Document Types/ Customer B2B Config/ Statement eDoc Message Maintenance.

File Options Menu: Merge Fields

The Merge Fields Option menu, opens a window displaying the values each Merge Field is using. These values used within the Email Template Configuration are System based, meaning the data displayed is pulled from different menus across the system. To change the displayed information, it would need to be changed at the point of where it is stored within the system.

Within the following menus, a new  ‘HTML View’ button has been created, enabling users to preview how the HTML format email will appear. 

  • Customer B2B Config
  • eDocs Document Types
  • Statement eDoc Message Maintenance