There can be times when having a printed chart of accounts that just lists what accounts you have created and what BAS code is on them can be useful when trying to figure out which account number to charge an item to. As such the below report can be setup in report generator and printed whenever you either update your chart of accounts or at the start of new financial year if required.
In report Generator start a new report and give it a name. You may wish to call this report “Chart of Accounts”
Print List
Select the GL Accounts table. Select the following from this list and add them to the Print List:
- Account Number
- Account Description
- Category Description
- BAS Code
Sort List
- Account No
Qualify List
- Account Year – Set this too is and select the prompt tick box.
Using this qualification when you run the report it will ask you which financial year you wish to run the Chart of Accounts for.
You can add or delete fields as you require to make the chart of accounts suit your needs. As an example you may wish to sort it by category instead of account number.