The Import from File option in Export / Import utility has been renamed Import to Update. Along with renaming this function a number of additional features have been added.
Import to Update works the same as it always has. However in addition to this, the system now has the ability to import changes for the Product Import options. These include:
- Inclusive GST Prices
- Exclusive GST Prices
- Quantity Breaks
- Discountable / Non Discountable
For more information on Exportable and Importable fields, please refer to the Export / Import Utility – New Button – File Details section.
Note: When creating an export or import file that contains a Price Code price field, the file can only contain either the EX GST or INC GST price for a single price code. Having both the EX and INC GST Price for a single price code will result in an error message.
This change does not affect the function of the Next price fields already in import export.