Point of Sale eDocs Templates

A new Point of Sale Invoice template has been created, it is called PI_003. This template shows both the Inclusive and Exclusive unit price of products that have been sold as well as a line extension price that can be configured to be either inclusive or exclusive of GST.

The columns in the body of this invoice template are:

  • Product – this will show your product ID
  • Description – This will show your product description.
  • Quantity – This will show the quantity (in sold as units) that has been sold on the sale.
  • Price Ex – This will show the exclusive of GST unit sell price
  • Price Inc – This will show the inclusive of GST unit sell price
  • Blank column – This column is for displaying the discount provided.  If not providing discounts, this column will remain blank.
  • Extension – This will show either the Exclusive or Inclusive of GST line extension price depending on how your system is configured.

A sample demo template can been seen here.

If you would like to change to this new template for your Point of Sale invoices please talk with a friendly training about having your new template creating.