A change has been made to the Invoicing system to allow the sale of Serial Tracked and Serial Recorded Items through invoicing. Serial Recorded/Tracked Items can now be added to all invoice types except for Back Order Invoices and Invoice Quotes. When an Invoice has Serial Recorded/Tracked items added to it the line number will be highlighted in green to indicate that they are a serial Recorded/Tracked Product.
When completing an invoice, the invoice can only be printed once all required serial numbers have either been entered or short supplied. Serial Numbers for products can be added to the invoice by entering them through the confirmation system, through Picking slips in the RF Warehouse Guns, through Confirmations in the RF Warehouse guns, by selecting the new ‘Serial Number Entry’ on the option menu during Invoice creation/modification, or by using the new ;SN command during Invoice creation/modification.
At the point a Picking slip is printed that contains a Serial Recorded/Tracked item, a Hash Tag ‘#’ will be added to the beginning of the description to indicate to the pickers that these items are Serial Recorded/Tracked.
Once an Invoice is printed it will print the line item as normal then underneath list the serial numbers/ IMEI numbers that have been added to the invoice. If the Product is marked as a Phone product then it will print “IMEI:” followed by the IMEI number. If the product is not marked as a Phone product then it will print “S/No:” followed by the Serial Number.
Invoices with Serial Recorded/Tracked items can be reversed using the Reverse Selected button in Invoice maintenance. Doing this will automatically link the serial numbers to the reversed invoice.