A New configuration has been added to the Miscellaneous configuration screen. The button is called Auto Serial Number Out.
Selecting this will open the Auto Serial Number out screen. This screen in conjunction with the Jobmaster job ‘Auto Serial Number Output’ are used to configuration the settings to have the Serial Number Output run automatically at a pre-defined day and time.
When used, the Auto Serial Number Output will run the Serial Number Output and either output a file to the Docs Directory or email a file directly to a specified Email Address. This file will include the sales of serial Recorded/Tracked products from all suppliers that have occurred since the last time the automatic output ran successfully. If no sales of Serial Recorded/ Tracked have occurred since the last successful Automatic output was run a blank file will still be created.
There are a number of Configurations to be set for the Automatic Serial Number Output. These are:
- Type – This sets how the file will be output. The available options are:
- Do Not Run – No output will be created.
- Output to Disk – A Tab delimited text file will be created and saved in your Docs directory.
- Send Email – A tab delimited text file will be emailed to the specified email address.
- Email address – When Send Email is set in Type, enter the Email Address to send the file to. Multiple email address can be specified by separating them with a comma.
- Email Subject – When Send Email is set in Type, enter the subject line to be used for the email. If this is left blank the file name will be used.
- Filename – type the filename that will be used when the file is created. When entering a file name do not enter the file extension. You must select this from the options available in the drop down list provided. The available options are:
- <DATE&TIME>.txt – This will add the date and time the file was created to the end of the file name and give the file a .txt file extension.
- <DATE>.txt – This will add the date the file was created to the end of the file name and give the file a .txt file extension.
- .TXT – This will give the file a .txt file extension.