Superannuation Maintenance

super fund maint

A Change has been made to the Superannuation Maintenance screen. An Ellipsis Box (box with 3 dots) has been added next to each Super Fund configured.

This button will launch the Superannuation File Detail screen. This screen gives the ability to set the following details against each Super Fund:

  • ABN (Mandatory Field)
  • USI (Unique Superannuation Identifier) (Mandatory Field)
  • Company Name (Mandatory Field)
  • TargetElectronicServiceAddress
  • Fund Generated Employer ID
  • Payment Method (Mandatory Field) – The available payment methods are:
    • Direct Credit – You will send payment to the Super Fund through an EFT transaction.
    • Direct Debit – This function will automatically debit your bank account for the required amount.
    • BPAY – You will make a payment to this fund using the BPAY payment method.
  • Payment Reference Number – This will determine if this Super Fund uses an Automatically Generated Reference Number or if it has a permanent specified Reference Number. This field becomes mandatory to fill in when you set the drop down to ‘Specified Value’.
  • Bpay Biller Code – This field becomes mandatory when the Payment Method is set to BPAY.
  • BSB Number – This field becomes mandatory when the Payment Method is set to Direct Credit.
  • Account Number – This field becomes mandatory when the Payment Method is set to Direct Credit.
  • Account Name – This field becomes mandatory when the Payment Method is set to Direct Credit.

Note: The mandatory fields will need to be filled in for each Superannuation Fund you have configured before the new Super Stream functionality will operate correctly.

Super fund File Details

Auto Generated Payment Reference Numbers will be used if there is no override reference number set for an employee. The Auto Generated Reference numbers are in the following format: <ABN><MMDD><001>.

  • <ABN> being the ABN set in Payroll Configuration.
  • <MMDD> being the month and year of the Pay Date.
  • <001> being a 3 digit sequence number.

When a Payment Reference Number is manually set for Direct Credit or Direct Debit, it must follow the below rules:

  • The Payment Reference Number must be 18 characters in length
  • Valid characters are shown below:



















SP (Space)







When a Payment Reference Number is manually set for BPAY, it must follow the below rules:

  • The Payment Reference Number must be 18 characters or less in length
  • Valid characters are 0-9