Payroll Configuration

Payroll Configuration

There have been some changes made to the Payroll Configuration page. The changes are:

  • The ‘ File Details’ button’ has been renamed to ‘PAYGW/Super File Details’. It has also been moved to the bottom of the page.
  • An new button called ‘Super’ has been added. It will bring up a ‘Payroll Parameters – Superannuation’ screen. This screen contains:
    • ‘Do not Journal Invalid Super’ tick box – This has moved from the Payroll Configuration screen. It’s function has not changed.
    • ‘Expense Parent A/c’ dropbox – This has moved from the Payroll Configuration screen. It’s function has not changed.
    • ‘Super Guarantee Liability GL A/c’ dropbox – This has been renamed from ‘Super Liability GL A/c’ and has moved from the Payroll Configuration screen. It’s function has not changed.
    • Drop down boxes have been added for General Ledger account selection for the other Super Payment Types that can be used. The Super payment types that can have a General Ledger selected are:
      • Award or Productivity Liability GL A/c
      • Personal Contributions Liability GL A/c
      • Salary Sacrificed Liability GL A/c
      • Voluntary Liability GL A/c
      • Spouse Contributions Liability GL A/c
      • Child Contribution Liability GL A/c
      • Other 3rd Party Contributions Liability GL A/c

Payroll Parameters - Superannuation