Superannuation Payments (New menu item)

Superannuation Payments


A New menu item has been added to ACR. The screen is called ‘Superannuation Payments’ and it is how you can process a batch for SuperStream. Superannuation Payments for Super Stream are processed as batches. Once a batch has been started it will be parked and available until it has been processed.

The available buttons on this screen are:

  • Create Batch – This will bring up a qualifier screen where users can either create a blank batch to start with (and manually add all Employees later), or get the system to automatically work the out the values to use. The values will match what would be shown by the ‘Superannuation Report’. The ‘Statutory Amt’ (Super Guarantee Amount) column will default to the Valid/Invalid Amount from the Superannuation Report. The ‘Salary Sacrifice’ column will default to the Extra Super Amount. All payment amounts can be manually set or modified by pressing the Ellipsis button (box with three dots) next to the appropriate line.

Superannuation Payments Qualifiers

  • Add Employee – The button will allow for an employee to be manually add to the batch.
  • Payment Report – This will print out a report for the batch. Amounts for each employee will be grouped by the Payment Reference Number and Payment Method.

Superannuation report

  • Process Payments – selecting this will lock in the Payment Reference Number for Auto Generated Reference Number. (See Superannuation Maintenance and Employee Maintenance Super Payments button for more information on setting a Reference Number manually).
    This will also create Cash Payments entries for all Super Funds set up as Direct Credit. This will only be done for Payment records that currently do not have a Pay Date set. If a line has had a pay date manually set this will prevent the Process Payments from creating any Cash Payments entries allowing the operator to process these manually at a later time.
  • Set Pay Date. This will give the user the ability to bulk set the Pay Date if required.

Set Date

  • Create File – This is the final process. Files will be created in the docs directory and the batch will be cleared. The files created will be as follows:
    • An individual csv file will be created for each Super Fund. This will detail only the information for employees set to this super fund.
    • A separate csv file will be created that contains the Super Details for all payments to be made to all Super Funds.

Note: These files will contain the ID of the Super Fund within ACR, along with the year and month in the format of YYYYMM.

This will allow you to be able to send the correct style of file to your super funds or your chosen clearing house.