Stock Receipting

A change has been made to stock receipting an order where the cost for the stock receipt comes from a special. A new menu item has been added to the ‘Options’ drop down. This new menu item is called ‘ Validate Special Prices’.

When this new menu item is selected it will launch a new ‘Validate Special Price’ screen. On opening all products on your current stock receipt will be loaded into this window. Enter the special identifier for the special you wish to validate the price against (if the order was originally created from a special that special will automatically be loaded). The system will validated the Actual Cost against the Special Cost.

Note; the cost on products that are not on the special will be considered Valid.

This new menu item is available when using the following stock receipting options:

  • Stock Receipt by Order
  • Priced Delivery Docket by Order
  • Manual Stock Receipt
  • Process Electronic Invoice
  • Docket Reconciliation

The ‘Validate Special price screen will display the following:

The special identifier and description.
Validation status:

  • Valid – Cost on all lines match the associated cost in the special. 
  • Invalid – One or more lines cost does not match the cost from the special. 
  • Line selector:
  • All Lines – All lines will show
  • Valid Lines – Will only show lines that the price has been successfully validated against the special. 
  • Invalid Lines – Will show lines that the price has not been successfully validated against the special. 
  • Line Number
  • Item Code
  • Item Description
  • Line Cost – The unit line cost on the stock receipt
  • Act Cost – The calculated Actual unit Cost of the item
  • Spc Cost – The special unit cost of the item.

Validate Special Prices