Manual Driver Run Sheets

A change has been made to the Manual Driver Run Sheet. The Print and Print By Zone buttons have been renamed. The buttons are now be called

  • Print Run – This replaces the Print button. 
  • Print Run By Zone – This replaces the Print By Zone button.

There is also a change made to the process when the Print Run By Zone button is selected. When this button is selected it will now only print the Manual Driver Run Sheet By Zone. The user will no longer be prompted to print a Manual Driver Run Sheet. If both a Normal and By Zone run sheet are required, the operator will need to manually select both the Print Run By Zone and Print Run buttons to produce both run sheets.

To allow for the printing of both types of run sheets, the screen will no longer clear after printing. The information will be available for the user to print multiple times. To clear the information and create a new run sheet, select the Clear button.

When the output option ‘to disk’ is selected when using Print Run By Zone, the delivery comment will now be included in the file as the last column. This was done to match ‘Print Run’ when output to disk.