Unprinted Invoice Report ****WHOLESALERS ONLY****

Search for Unprinted Invoice Detail Export or Unprinted Mail Order Detail Export.

There has been a facility added to the Invoicing and Mail Order Systems which allows users to output current invoices that have not reached printed status. Users can choose from statuses of:

  • Any Status
  • Waiting Authorisation
  • Unallocated
  • Unprinted P/S
  • Unprinted Invoice
  • Confirmed
  • Modify Invoice

Users must first give the report a file name (no spaces or punctuation), then select the appropriate status/es required and can further qualify the report from the following:

  • Deliver To Customer
  • Charge To Customer
  • Supplier
  • Order Number
  • Transaction Date

Unprinted Invoice Detail Export

When run, this will output to the docs directory in tab delimited text file format, which can then be imported into Excel.  The file will contain the following columns:

  • Transaction Date
  • Real Date & Time
  • Invoice No
  • Deliver To No
  • Deliver To Name
  • Charge To No
  • Charge To Name
  • Order No
  • Ship Date
  • Status
  • Product ID
  • Product Description
  • Supplier No
  • Supplier Name
  • Order Qty
  • Shipped Qty
  • GST
  • Cost
  • Price
  • Discount Entered
  • Discount %
  • Discount $
  • Promo Entered
  • Promo %
  • Promo $
  • Line Ext Ex GST
  • Line Ext Inc GST

Note: Discount Entered and Promo Entered show either % or $, indicating how the Discount or Promo was set.