There are many reasons that you may wish to generate a barcode for a product. The product may either not have an individual product barcode or it may be a product you have repackaged and requires a barcode to be able to sell it. Within ACR the system can generate a barcode for you and also print them out on the label stickers that would enable you to barcode your products.
To create a barcode for a product take the following steps.
- Locate the product in Product Maintenance.
- Press the Bar Code button.
- Click the Add button
- Select Generate Barcode.
- Select the Barcode type (inner,outer,shipper)
- Select OK
- This will create a barcode for the product.
- Make sure the Priority, Type and Type Precedence is set correctly.
- Select OK to close Barcodes
- Set the Goods Label drop down to Unpriced.
- Click the Create Label button.
Open Label System within ACR
- Find the batch that will have been created. It will have reference number ‘PRODUCT MAINTENANCE’ and the date time you pressed the create label button.
- Check that it does not have any bin labels selected.
- Print the Batch.