Customer Maintenance – Distributor

A change has been made for Distributors Members. For sites configured to use the new Distributor Invoice eDoc Type, the following fields becomes available:

  • Print Bank Account Detail – To determine whether Bank Account Details print for this customer, the available options under this are:
    • Default – Based on the default invoice configuration
    • No
    • Yes
  • Invoice Barcode – The available options under this are:
    • None
    • PO Number only
    • Invoice Number only
    • Prefix + PO Number
    • Prefix + Invoice Number
  • Invoice Barcode Prefix – This field will only become available when the ‘Invoice Barcode’ field has an option that includes a Prefix selected.

The values in ‘Invoice Barcode’ have a priority that is used when determining if a Barcode is going to be created for an Invoice where a customer has a different Ship To and Charge To Customer. The order of precedence is:

  • Prefix + Invoice Number
  • Prefix + PO Number
  • Invoice Number only
  • PO Number only
  • None

For Details on how the Barcode is structured when created please see the ‘Invoice Barcode Construction Rules’ Update.