2017 Quarter 1 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 1, 2017. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
Debtors Debtor Statements – Add qualifier for excluding statements from print run that are below a certain dollar value
In Debtor Statements a new qualifier will be added for excluding statements from print run that are below a certain dollar value.
Debtors Account Payments – Raise a Credit Surcharge
Create a configurable credit card surcharge function, for account payments that are paid by credit card. This will work similar to how some utility providers implement a surcharge, whereby the credit card surcharge is raised in the background in the current month.
Customer B2B SMS Customer via ‘Email2SMS’
The system will be enhanced to integrate with ‘Email2Sms’ providers so that it can send SMS messages to customers in one of two ways. The first way will be an as additional delivery method under Customer B2B Advices, the second way will be where a user could type in a message to send to a specific customer.
Creditors Auto Payment System – Pay creditor by credit card
Add the facility to Creditor Auto Payments to enable auto payments to a creditor by credit card.
Stock Control Product Enquiry – Add a ‘Stock Area’ dropdown option
Product Enquiry will be modified so that the user can specify a Stock Area to view for a product or alternatively to view all Stock Areas for it.
Stock Control Product File – New custom ‘Receipting Caution Message’ to show during stock receipting
A new field called ‘Receipting Caution Message’ will be added for a Product to store a custom message that is shown during Stock Receipting to the user as an alert.
Stock Control Supplier Order – Configuration to not include Reference field
For sites that wish to reserve use of the Reference field on supplier orders for internal use only, a new configuration will be created to provide that functionality.
Report Generator Open recent reports
Within ACR a new menu option will be added for opening recent Report Generator reports, which had been most recently used by the logged in user.