This will be staged roll out. This update is to inform you that it is coming soon to your system.
The below screens have been modified to allow resizing to auto adjust the number of lines available.
- Standard Credit
- Forward Invoice
- Back Order Invoice
- Turn-in Order
- Short Supplied Invoice
- Damaged Stock Credit Invoice
- Raise a Invoice Quote
- Standard Mail Order
- Standard Credit Mail Order
- Forward Mail Order
- Back Order Mail Order
- Short Supplied Mail Order
- Damaged Stock Credit Mail Order
- Raise a Mail Order Quote
The changes to the above also include the ‘Modification’ versions (When modifying an Invoice, etc)
These screens will automatically adjust in height and move to the right of the menu on entry for the first time after this update. On exit, the system will remember the state of the screen for next time for each computer.
The remembered screen state is shared. Making a change to the screen state of one of the above menu options will apply to all of them.
Columns that previously where dimmed when not needed will no longer be shown (Such as the Ship Quantity column when in ‘Back Order Invoice’). However, if the Ship Quantity or Back Order Quantity columns are set to disabled in the configuration, and the column is usually visible, they will be dimmed instead (Ship Quantity disabled while in ‘Standard Invoice’ will still show the Ship Quantity column, but it will be dimmed).
Also added a option at the bottom of the screen to determine what is shown in the line total column (Line Inc GST or Line Ex GST).