An update has been made to the Sales History Report. A new type has been added called “Warehouse”.
When Type is set to Warehouse, the following qualifiers are not available:
- Product From and To
- Product Division From and To
- Product Group From and To
- Sub Product Group From and To
- Supplier From and To
When you perform Warehouse with the Detailed style selected it will print the following details
- Customer Number
- Customer Name
- Invoice ID
- Total Cartons
- Sales
- GP$ (If GP Figures is True)
- Margin/Markup (If GP Figures is True)
When you perform Warehouse with the Summary style selected it will print the following details
- Customer Number
- Customer Name
- Total Cartons
- Sales
- GP$ (If GP Figures is True)
- Margin/Markup (If GP Figures is True)
When you perform Warehouse with the Monthly Dissection style selected it will print the following details and be limited to a date range within 3 months
- Customer Number
- Customer Name
- Month Sales
- Month GP$
- Month Total Cartons
Note: The 3 Month columns can print up to 3 times based on the qualified date range.