Invoice Configuration – Payment Gateway

The Invoice Configuration – Payment Gateway screen has been modified to add support for ‘NAB Transact’, complementing the existing ‘eWay’ payment gateway. This is achieved by the inclusion of a new option to ‘Payment Gateway Active’ of ‘NAB Transact’.
To access this configuration open the ‘Invoice Configuration’ screen and click on the ‘Payment Gateway’ button.
If you are unfamiliar with the use of Payment Gateways in the ACR system, listed below are a series of software update notes that were published when support for the ‘eWay’ Payment Gateway was added.
Irrespective of the gateway used, eWay or NAB, the system will work in the same way, with the exception that ‘Name on Card’ is not required on the ‘Payment Gateway Credit Card Entry’ for NAB.
Payment Gateway – Invoicing System / Mail Order System
Payment Gateway – New Invoice / Mail Order Configuration
Payment Gateway – Invoice / Mail Order Entry
Payment Gateway Credit Card Entry
Invoice / Mail Order Backorder Enquiry – New Field Added 
Payment Gateway – Auto Back Order Invoicing / Mail Order
Electronic Customer Orders & Payment Gateway
Invoice / Mail Order Printing
Invoice / Mail Order Maintenance
Invoice Sales Journal / Mail Order Sales Journal