2018 Quarter 2 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 2, 2018. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
Debtors Customer Maintenance Defaults – Add ‘Statement Type’
The system will be modified so that the ‘Statement Type’ is made available as a default option in the Customer Maintenance defaults.
Sales Point of Sale – Quote – Add Contact Name and Contact Number as a comment
For a quote, the Contact Name and Contact Number entered by the operator for the customer will be added as a comment to the quote. By including these comments, at a later when staff look at the printed quote or yard order generated from it, will have quick access to the contact details for following the customer up.
Sales Yard Orders – Change to new format printing on plain paper
In order to make a yard order generated from the software distinct from an eDoc invoice, thereby reducing potential for confusion, yard orders will be changed to print on a plain paper layout.
Sales Standard Invoice – Raise warning when operator keys item multiple times
The invoicing system will be modified so that when an operator keys in an item multiple times then the system will raise an alert. The alert will be in the form of an audible alert and identifying the line visually as duplicated, for example by a change in colour.
Sales Within invoicing modify options shown to operator when prompted about re-using an Order Number
When an order number is re-used on an invoice the operator is asked if they wish to re-use it or not, this is done as a simple yes or no question. The prompt and options will be refined so the possible responses indicate whether they want to keep the number, modify it or void the order.
Sales Customer Order Forms – Search by Customer
The ‘Customer Order Forms’ screen will be modified to allow the operator to list all order forms for a particular customer.
Sales Default Credit Invoice to print as Invoice without Picking slip
A system configuration will be added to determine the default behaviour when printing credit invoices. In particular it will control whether a picking slip is printed with the invoice or not.
Sales Invoice, POS and Mail Order Maintenance – qualify by ‘Salesperson State’
The sale front end maintenance screens will be modified to include a new filter option of ‘Salesperson State’. In addition to the above, the Sales History Report will be modified so the ‘State From’ qualifier becomes ‘Salesperson State From’
Sales Add Email address to Salesperson Maintenance and provide support to send quotes to Salesperson
Salesperson Maintenance will be modified to include an email address on a salesperson. A new site wide configuration will be added to the system called ‘Email Quotes to Rep’, which when set to true will ensure that a copy of a customer quote is sent via email to that salesperson assigned to the customer.
Sales MISC items through POS – Configuration to enforce a description
The behaviour for modifying product descriptions in the sales front ends will be unified to a common set of methods. This will be achieved as follows: * Remove #D from POS which is used for setting focus onto description. * Make POS product description clickable for editing. * When in qty field, make SHIFT+TAB another way to get focus onto description for editing. * Invoicing will have a menu item for changing the description, just like in POS. In addition to the above, the system will be changed so that no sales front-end will accept a product with no description, thus requiring the operator to enter a description.
Invoicing Auto-generate an Invoice Log message at time of printing
The system will be modified such that when an invoice is printed, an auto-generated messaged will be recorded to the invoice log, which outlines detail about the print. For example, how it was printed and to whom or what it was sent.
Invoicing Invoice Maintenance – Interface and Usability changes
The Invoice Maintenance screen will be modified as follows: # When searching for a specific invoice the ‘All Months’ tickbox will default to true. # When closing Invoice Maintenance the last settings used, including sort sequences will be stored and then re-used next time Invoice Maintenance is opened. # The ability to switch between months will be added by the inclusion of ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ month buttons. # A new filter option will be added for ‘Salesperson State’ # The ability to select up to 3 filter options and set values for each
Specials Update products on a special using an import file
The specials system will be modified to facilitate the modification of products listed on an existing special by way of an import file, providing a means to add new products, as well as update or no longer use existing products.
Specials Specials Systems – Increase ID length
The specials system will be modified so that the length of the ID can be longer than 6 characters, it will be extended to 12.
B2B Advice Customer B2B Advice – Full detail list change
For the Full detail list, if a product contains back ordered quantity then include the Next Due Date if available. This already exists for the Short Supplied List.
Stock Control Stock Receipting & Autofile screens – Increase number of configurable columns
Currently the 3rd column is configurable for the receipting and autofile screens. The system will be modified to make most if not all all columns configurable.
Stock Control Stock Movement Enquiry – Drill down on Stock Adjustment to show audit trail
New functionality will be added into the Stock Movement Enquiry screen, which will allow the operator to drill down (via double-click) on a Stock Adjustment and show an audit of that adjustment. The key detail shown would be who made the adjustment and when.
Stock Control Make ‘Web Output’ field available as a default defined field when creating products
The ‘Web Output’ field which already exists in Product Maintenance will be added to the existing list of fields which can be set to a default value for when products are created (or duplicated. The default value will be set to true, and will apply when creating/duplicating products in Product Maintenance and/or Stock Additions.
Stock Control Add ;PULL command to Manual Stock Receipts
The Manual Stock Receipts system will be modified to integrate to the semi-colon pull command (;PULL) in order to pull product detail into the stock receipt.
Ordering Ordering – specify ETA date for products and use that date in Stock Allocations
The system will be changed so that for a given order the ETA date can be specified at a product level, which overrides that stored on the actual order. This will be facilitated by a new screen allowing all or some lines to be ticked and updated to a different date in a bulk change. The stock allocations process will then be modified so that it now refers to the ETA date stored on the product line of the order, if one exists, rather than that stored on the order.
Ordering Ordering System – Outstanding Orders
Order Maintenance screens will be modified to: # include the ETA date as a new column on screen. # include a new filter option of ‘Incomplete’, which will find orders that have an order status that is prior to completion. # add a new button will be used to set a new ETA date for the selected order.
Warehousing New Invoice Status – Picking
A new invoice status will be added that is set when an invoice is in the process of being picked.
Warehousing Load Track N Deliver runs from a file and allow printing of invoices in sequence of the delivery run
Within the system, Track N Deliver will be be modified so that a set of runs can be imported in from a file, rather than manually entered by a operator. There will then be a facility within the system whereby the runs loaded from a file can be printed as a batch, with the an invoice print sequence that reflects the order of invoice deliveries in Track N Deliver.
RF Picking RF Gun – Add button to allow a picker to change batches
A button on RF guns to allow picker to change batches, which will improve the efficiency of the process of switching between batches in order to determine if their are invoices (in that batch) to pick.
Banking Bank Rec – Make data available after it’s printed and cleared
Currently when data is printed and cleared during the process of performing a bank reconciliation it is no longer available after that point. The system will be modified to make this archived data available to the operator to access, rather than referring back to a previously printed copy.
Banking Bank Reconciliation – Show only the unticked items
The Bank Reconciliation screen will be modified to include an option, which when switched on, would only list items that are currently unticked.
Payroll Payslip Change – Include Year To Date Figures
The system will be modified to include YTD figures on the existing Payslip
Payroll Configurable Payslip Layout
The Payroll system will be modified so that the details shown on all employee payslips can be configurable based on the individual requirements the business using ACR system. Examples of information that would be configurable are specific employee entitlements or year to date earnings.
Payroll Employee Maintenance – Add ‘Contacts’ button and include primary contact in Employee File Dump
The Contact button will be added into ‘Employee Maintenance’ to provide equivalent functionality pertaining to contacts as elsewhere in the system. This will enable user to add person details such as Email Address for employees into contact information, but additionally other important contacts such as ‘Next of Kin’. The ‘Employee File Dump’ will also be modified to include the employee’s primary contact.
BAS Output to Disk option for BAS Report
A new output option will be added for the BAS report to allow it to be output to disk.
Danks Loyalty Danks Loyalty – DIY Trade Rewards program to store and retrieve card number
The system will be modified so that tradespeople with a customer account in the system can have their DIY Trade Rewards card stored against their account. By storing those details in the software, those details can be retrieved and used for the rewards program at a later date, without the trade customer needing to supply the card. An example where this may be useful is the common scenario of the customer placing an account order over the phone.
System Email Extend size of email subject beyond 30 characters
The system will be modified such that emails sent from the software can have a subject that is longer than the existing 30 characters. This will assist in scenarios where important information, such as longer purchase order numbers are required to appear in the subject.
Index Lists Return to Index List with results of previous search
The ability for an operator to reload their last result set of search results, without re-keying the search will be added. This will be facilitated by the addition of a new search command using the ^ (carat) key. Irrespective of whether called from a maintenance form or another part of the system, if the user had previously loaded search results on that same screen, they will be reloaded.