In this day and age, it is very important to keep electronic documentation in order, just as much as you would paper filing. Life is made easier when you know where to find something.
In light of this fact, a lot of files are output from ACR to your Docs Directory on a daily basis. Its contents are undoubtedly very important and has been designed for this purpose only. It is not intended to store files like pictures, songs, videos, email archives or files from any other programs.
The only files that should exist in the Docs Directory are the files that have been generated by ACR and nothing more. It is also good practice to remove any old and/or unneeded ACR generated files in the Docs directory.
If any files are required long term, we advise to either move these files to another location, such as a shared network drive on a file server or a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device. Otherwise, you should delete them if they are no longer required.
If these files are not cleaned out periodically and left stored here, the hard drive space can fill up very quickly and result in ACR not functioning correctly.
It’s easy to avoid problems if the Docs Directory is kept clean.
Docs Directory location: \\acrserver\docs