2018 Quarter 3 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 3, 2018. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
Debtors Debtor Enquiry – Enable Credit Card Payments
The system will be modified so that it will be possible to process a credit card payment from within the Debtor Enquiry system. The amount paid could be the total account, specific periods or specific invoices.
Debtors Customer Maintenance – Display applicable Pricing Rules, Promo Rules & Specials
Customer Maintenance will be modified so that a new screen can be launched that indicates what Pricing Rules, Promo Rules and Specials apply to the customer.
Debtors Debtor Enquiry – Show Charge Account on screen
Debtor Enquiry will be modified to include the Charge Account on screen, just below the existing Account that is currently displayed.
Customer B2B Customer B2B eDocs – Group together eDoc types for setting their recipient
The Customer eDocs configuration will be modified so that it is possible to group together various edoc types (E.g. Invoice, Statements) and assign specific recipients to them.
Sales Make columns in Daily Sales Analysis Enquiry sortable
The Daily Sales Analysis Enquiry screen will be modified such that the column headings become buttons. When the buttons are clicked this will result in the enquiry screen being sorted by that column. In addition to the above, the window size will be increased in height to the minimum spec.
Sales Invoice Configuration – ‘Allow Terms Change’ to include ‘Zero Days’ as an option
Currently, using the ‘Allow Terms Change’ option within the Invoice Configuration, a site can configure whether staff can change the Terms Code of a customer invoice or not. If staff have access, they can select from any of the available Terms Code and when they have no access, they cannot change the Terms Code at all. The configuration will introduce a new 3rd option called ‘Zero Days’, which when set will allow staff to change the Terms Code to a new value, provided that new value is a zero days Terms code, such as ‘Cash’ for example.
Sales Customer Order Forms to Excel compatible file
The ability to output a Customer Order Form as an Excel compatible file will be implemented. Once this is output, it can be sent to a customer who would be able to fill out their order and send back.
Sales SalesTalk Output utility – Include Product Comment 1 and Comment 2
The process that outputs the detail for SalesTALK units will be modified to include the Comment 1 and 2 fields for Products, irrespective of the type of comment.
Electronic Orders Snooze Electronic Orders (including C-Bill Orders) until a Specific Date
For an order that come in electronically but does not require processing until some future date, a request to snooze that order when it appears in the Invoicing System will be developed. In the circumstance that the order does not need to be handled for some time, potentially weeks, an operator and can “snooze” the order until a specific date and time.
Stock Control Product Stock Area – Additional detail based on last Stock Receipt
The system will be modified to store the following additional stock receipt detail for a product’s stock area: Last Stock Receipt Date, Supplier, Supplier Invoice Number, Quantity
Stock Control New Product Field – Dangerous Goods Flag
A new field would be added to products to store a dangerous good flag.
Stock Control Order Entry – Allow Override Description for Misc Items to be visible in Stock Receipts
Ability to include a Miscellaneous Item on an Order, override it’s Description and have that be visible through Stock Movement Enquiry when the operator ‘drills down’ (double-click) on a Stock Receipt line.
Stock Control New Product Search Screen
A new Product Search Utility will be developed for searching for products in the system, that will allow for more refined filtering of results and with greater product detail being made visible for the returned results.
Stock Control New Product Field – Stock Transfers By Stock Area
The Product File will be modified so that for each Stock Area, a value representing Stock Transfers can be recorded and reported on.
Warehousing Carrier Maintenance – Charge Freight one per day per customer
A new configuration option will be added into Carrier Maintenance within the system, which when enabled will ensure that a customer is only charged freight once per day.
Warehousing Dispatch Label – Include ‘Batch ID’ on ‘Type G’ format
The existing layout of the ‘Type G’ dispatch label will be modified to include the Invoice Batch ID.
General ;PULL Command – Auto recognise barcodes as products to identify product identifiers to use
Currently the ;PULL function supports importing a product id and quantity from a file. The pull from file process will be modified so that if the product id is actually a barcode, this will be automatically recognised. The barcode will then be used to ascertain the product id to use in the pull function, which requires the product id.