Back Order System

Multiple updates have been released for various parts of the Back Order System. The updates are detailed below:

Back Order Creation

The Operator/User from the Invoice will now be stored on any Back Orders created.

Invoice Configuration

A new button has been added to Invoice Configuration called ‘Back Orders’. When selecting this button you will be shown the configuration options for the new Back Order Maintenance screen, including the Notification of Cancelled Order Email field.

Back Order Maintenance

The new Back Orders Maintenance screen has the following features:

  • There is a Global search field.
  • There are two filters that can be used with or without the Global search field.
  • The following information is remembered per port when quitting Back Order Maintenance:
    • Sort Order
    • Filter option 1
    • Filter option 2
    • Stock Area <No.>. E.g Stock Area 1 if that is the Stock Area you were in before quitting Back Order Maintenance
  • The ability to change the ‘Lined’ and ‘NxtOrd’ flags. Changing ‘NxtOrd’ will update all Back Orders for the same Customer/Transfer with the same Sales Order at the same time.
  • ‘Release Back Orders’ will perform the ‘Auto Back Order Invoicing’ process on applicable Back Orders in the current view.
  • ‘Cancel’ selected will cancel the Back Order as normal, and also send a email notification if configured in the Notification of Cancelled Order Email field in the Back Orders Configuration window (above screenshot) within the Invoice Configuration window..
  • ‘Stock Area’ tick box that when ticked can also filter Back Orders based on the ports configured default Stock Area.
  • On load, the screen will adjust in size based on screen space, including configured fields in order of precedence as specified in the new Back Orders window within the Invoice Configuration window.
  • The Operator is now available as a search or filter option.

Sales Order

When an order is created within Point of Sale, Invoicing, Mail Order, Electronic Orders, etc a new Sales Order field will be set with a sequential numeric value. This Sales Order value will carry over to any Back Orders created.

Customer Maintenance -> Back Orders

  • Replaced ‘Back Order By Order No’ with ‘Send Back Orders by separate Invoices by Sales Order’.
  • The new fields have been added:
    • ‘Hold till next order’
    • ‘Hold till all complete by Sales Order’

Note: On installation, ‘Send Back Orders by separate Invoices by Sales Order’ will be set to the same value of the old field: ‘Back Order By Order No’.

Report Generator and Export / Import Utility

Added the below new fields for Customers:

  • Hold B/O till next order
  • Hold B/O till complete by S/Ord
  • Send B/O separate Inv by S/Ord

Removed the below fields from Customers:

  • Back Order By Order No

Auto Back Order Invoicing

When completing an Auto Back Order Invoice, the following Back Order configuration options will affect whether a back order is included or excluded:

  • Separate Invoices will be created per Customer, per Sales Order if the Customer has ‘Send Back Orders by separate Invoices by Sales Order’ set to True.
  • Back Orders with ‘Hold till next order’ set to True will be excluded by this process.
  • Back Orders with ‘Hold till all complete by Sales Order’ will be excluded unless:
    • All Back Orders with the same Sales Order, for the same Customer, with ‘Hold till all complete by Sales Order’ set to True, are fully allocated.
    • AND they all qualify based on the Qualifier screen.
    • Please Note: All Back Orders that will be excluded due to ‘Hold till all complete by Sales Order’, are shown in the Summary Screen under General Statistics – Products withheld for Bulk Delivery.

Invoicing System

The behavior of the processing of Back Orders within the invoicing system has now changed.

Behaviour regarding the processing of Back Orders within the invoicing system has now changed.

When the system checks for any available Back Orders, the Back Orders assigned with ‘Hold till all complete by Sales Order’ will be excluded unless all Back Orders with the same Sales Order, for the same Customer, with ‘Hold till all complete by Sales Order’ set to True, are fully allocated. When a user views the Back Orders found that are assigned as described above, they can then flag those Back Orders for inclusion OR exclusion. In this scenario is one is included all must be included and the system will ensure that. Please note the same is true when excluding one Back Order, all will be excluded.

In the scenario where the user selects to load Back Orders, if the customer has ‘Send Back Orders by separate Invoices by Sales Order’, the system will hold the Back Orders to be loaded on the screen after completing the current Invoice, one Sales Order at a time. When this happens, restrictions that prevent loading multiple Back Orders with different Credit Card details, and/or Delivery Address override details are lifted.