Employee File Dump

Retrieving information on all of the employees within the ACR system can be made easier using the ‘Employee File Dump’. When activated from the menu, ‘Employee File Dump’ will create a “XXXX.txt” file (where the filename “XXXX” is stipulated by the person running Employee File Dump) within the docs directory on the ACR server. This file is a tab separated table of all the information entered into Employee Maintenance for each employee.The “XXXX.txt file” is easily opened and manipulated within Excel.

Access to the ‘Employee File Dump’ menu item is usually made available to members of the accounting/payroll team as well as management. Access to this menu item is configurable via User Maintenance, User Group Maintenance and Menu Maintenance.

Here is a list of examples of how the information contained within the file can be useful for your business:

  • For retrieving the home address details of employees, in order to send conventional mail correspondence.
  • For retrieving the email address of employees, to facilitate sending electronic correspondence.
  • Creating a list of all Active and Inactive employees within the system.
  • Finding out the birthdays of all employees, as some companies celebrate their employees birthdays with them.
  • Finding out the Employee start dates (both Casual Start Date and Permanent Start Date)
  • Verifying Termination Dates and Termination Amounts of Employees who have been terminated.
  • Allows for verification of bulk employee Pay Allocation configurations.


Using the Employee File Dump can be a handy way of efficiently checking or using the information that is stored within ACR for all employees of your business.