There is now a Pre Authorisation box available when the Payment Gateway Card Entry screen is loaded (either by ;PG command or on Invoice Completion) if the Invoice has yet to perform a Pre Authorisation. To determine if a Pre Card Authorisation will occur, Users will set a default in Invoice Configuration>Payment Gateway>Pre Authorisation Default.
If an Invoice is set to perform a Pre Authorisation, then the Payment Gateway will be called to perform the Pre Authorisation for the current Invoice amount, when the user presses Complete. An Invoice Conversation is automatically added detailing this.
Once an Invoice has performed a Pre Authorisation, the user is not able to do any of the following:
- Change the Terms used for the Invoice
- Change the payment details (The Card Entry screen cannot be envoked)
- Modify the Invoice to result with a Total Invoice amount greater than the Pre Authorisation amount.
On Invoice Printing, the Payment will be completed (With the current Invoice amount). In the event of a Card error, the User will be given the option to either try again, to manually process a Payment with the same Credit Card, or to Cancel.
The below will be shown when modifying an Invoice that has already performed a Pre Authorisation:
“This Invoice has been Pre Authorised and its Total Invoice value can not exceed $99.999.”
This now applies to NAB and eWay as per Update