As you may already be aware, ‘System Administrator’ is used to manage all sessions to the system from various Ports. In one of the recent Updates we introduced a new ‘Parked’ button to this screen.‘Parked’ will show all parked Invoices, Mail Orders, Purchase Orders and Point of Sales sessions.
Users now have the ability to Reassign a Parked session. This is particularly useful when a Parked session is stopping Staff from completing a process. For example, if a User was trying to make a Product Inactive and this Product was in a Parked sale, they would receive an error message stating the Product exists on the following Parked Port – Task XXXXX. With the addition of the Parked button in that scenario the User can find the Task in System Administrator>Parked and can ‘Reassign’ that session to themselves to Complete/Void, in turn eradicating the error.
The User can only perform the ‘Reassign’ action if;
- The logged in user is part of the Administrator Group.
- The logged in user does not have something parked already for the same source.
- The Port of the session they are trying to reassign is currently not logged in
We hope you find this Update useful and if you have any questions please contact the Training Team on 02 4725 2020.