A new ‘Trade Show (Order Prefix TS-)’option has been added to the Customer Price Group/Promo Group. The purpose of this Group will be to utilize specials specific for Trade Show customers.
The price lookup has changed from the following places only:
- Invoicing system
- Mail Order system
- Auto process electronic Order
- Price Validation
The process will be that Order Numbers beginning with TS- will result in the system first looking up Specials that are set to ‘Trade Show’. This is the only way a Special set to ‘Trade Show’ can be found/qualify. If none are found/qualify, then the system will lookup all other Specials as normal.
Note – When ‘Trade Show’ is included, all other Groups must be excluded. The main screen that shows how many Groups is included will show the words ‘Trade Show’. The option of ‘Trade Show’ does not count towards the total of Groups.