Debtor Statements – New optional qualifier

A change has been made to the qualifier screen for the Debtor Statement program. With this change it will now be possible to exclude debtors from a statement run that have an overdue balance in a specific period (or beyond). As a consequence, this will allow you to run the program and only send statements to your ‘healthy debtors’.

After having performed your usual start-of-month Debtor Statements process (targeting all Debtors), you may wish to perform intra-month follow-ups, perhaps weekly, that focus on reaching out to those healthy debtors, who you ordinarily expect will maintain their account in order, and for whom a follow-up would be effective. This may be in the form of a friendly reminder message, which in all likelihood is not applicable for bad or delinquent Debtors.

To use this optional new qualifier, you would enter in the period from which you wish to exclude, which can be found within the qualifier of:

  • Exclude Accounts with Balances in Period [       ] and beyond

In the example screengrab below we are choosing to run Debtor Statements for the month of April, 2019 and we do not want any statements to be sent to customers with an amount in period 3 or beyond.

N.b – When performing intra-month statement runs of this nature, as the month progresses you may choose to use a tailored message on the statement PDF or statement email, to encourage those healthy debtors to address outstanding amounts. Should this be of interest to you then this can be facilitated by the existing programs:

  • Statement Message Maintenance
  • Statement eDoc Message Maintenance

For further information on those features, please feel free to contact our friendly Training team and refer to a previous communication here: