Restricting Carriers

New functionality has been added to allow Users to restrict Carriers to a particular Front end (Invoicing or Mail Order) and/or to a particular Stock Area.

If  Users wish to enforce a restriction they must first set the configuration in Carrier Maintenance.

Carrier Maintenance

Within Carrier Maintenance a new ‘Restrictions’ section has been added. The ‘Restrictions’ section has 2 new fields:

  1. The dropdown selection box for ‘Front End’ will show 3 options-
    • Invoicing
    • Mail Order
    • Both
  2. The ‘Stock Area’ box will allow Users to type in a Stock Area number to restrict the Carrier to.

These new fields affect the System in Invoicing, Auto Electronic Orders and Despatch as per below.


When in Invoicing the drop-down list is now loaded based upon the 2 restriction fields and if the Stock Area is changed the list will be updated to those Carriers available for that Stock Area (if that change makes the current Carrier invalid it will be blanked out and the User will be required to enter a valid Carrier).

Auto Backorder/Auto Electronic Order:

Auto Backorder/Auto Electronic Orders will be rejected if they have an Invalid Carrier based on the restriction fields.

Despatch System:

The Despatch system will now also validate Carriers based on their restrictions. If the current Carrier is invalid, it will be blanked out and the User will be required to make a valid selection. Completed Despatch records will display the Carrier as is.


Note: By default, all Carriers will be set to ‘Both’ Front ends and not limited to a Stock Area.