From time to time, you may need to relocate your ACR server. This may be to another location within your office, to a new rack cabinet, or even to a new shop location. Following the steps below will minimise downtime and ensure that your server is relocated safely and soundly!
Step 1: Prepare for the move
If you are going to relocate your server, it is best to let ACR know a couple of weeks in advance. This will allow us to notify you about any potential issues with the move, and if changes need to be made to the server before the day of the relocation.
Step 2: Day of the relocation
On the day, give ACR Support a call so that our Tech team can arrange a time to backup your server before it is disconnected. Doing this will ensure that you will have an up-to-date backup of your data on the off chance that something doesn’t go right during the move. The backup will be run an hour or so before the move – we’ll let you know as soon as it is completed.
Step 3: After the move
When the move has been completed, you will need to double check that everything is working as expected. Verify that you can log into ACR, reprint an invoice, and process a dummy sale.
If you follow the above steps and verify that everything is working as expected, then congratulations – your server has been relocated successfully! If not, give us a call and we’ll help you diagnose and fix the issue.