Next Price Manipulator > Export Cost / Prices > New Header Fields

New Header Fields have been added to the Export file format. These include:

  • Discontinued 
  • Non-Saleable
  • Inner Barcode
  • Outer Barcode
  • Shipper Barcode
  • Existing ‘Barcode’ column will be renamed as ‘Primary Barcode’.
  • Next Price Date
  • Next Price Ref
  • Supplier Name
  • Sold As Unit
  • Inners per Outer
  • Outers per Shipper
  • Primary Supplier Buy Levy
  • Levy ACT
  • Levy NSW
  • Levy VIC
  • Levy QLD
  • Levy SA
  • Levy WA
  • Levy TAS


Please note. Relevant Files that have been Exported prior this Update will no longer Import successfully after this update has been installed.