Bulk SMS

It is now possible to send your Customers/Suppliers and or Employees information via SMS from within ACR.

The new Bulk SMS menu item has been installed within the following areas:

  • Payroll > Tasks > Bulk SMS
  • Creditors > Tasks > Bulk SMS
  • Debtors >  Tasks > Bulk SMS
  • Sales > Tasks >Bulk SMS

This screen allows sites wanting to send SMS notifications, to qualify Customers, Suppliers and /or Employees.

The ‘Send To’ option of ‘Default Mobile’ only applies to Customers. This is the Mobile value entered on the main screen of Customer Maintenance.

The ‘Send To’ option of ‘Contact Mobile’ can be applied to Customer, Supplier and/ or Employee qualifiers. This correlates to the Contact Detail information set within these menu areas. By selecting this option you can then further select the other options of ‘Primary Contact Only’ and ‘Include Contacts who opted out of Marketing’.

Once you have qualified your selection and options press ‘OK’. This will load the next screen listing all the mobiles numbers qualified.

This screen also allows users to manually add a mobile number through the ‘Add Recipient’ button. This may be selected even when no mobile numbers have been qualified within the previous screen. Users can then type their desired message into the message box.

Please note that any invalid numbers will be unticked and dimmed, whilst any duplicate numbers will default to unticked.