Charge Handling Once Per Set Period

Users now have the ability to configure their Customers’ to be charged Handling only once in a pre-set period. This can be set in in Customer Maintenance > Deliveries>Charge Handling Once and selecting one of the following periods from the drop down box : 

  • Per System Default – The system will look at the existing setting in Invoice Configuration> Charge Handling Once Per Day and utilise this option.
  • Per Day – The system will allow one Handling charge in the current day
  • Per Week – The system will allow one Handling charge in the current week- beginning on the Monday 
  • Per Fortnight – The system will allow one Handling charge in the current fortnight- beginning Monday of the previous week
  • Per Month -The system will allow one Handling charge in the current month- beginning on the 1st of the Month

If a user enters a handling charge in invoice entry, and the Ship To Customer has already been charged once in the period set, the handling charge will be cleared upon Invoice Printing.

The ‘Charge Handling Once’ field has also been added to Report Generator and Export/Import Utility.

Note: This configuration is based on the REAL date.