Product Description

The Product Description has now been updated and extended to have both a ‘Full Description’ and a ‘Base Description’ field. The Full Description field will allow an extended length of 256 characters. The Base Description field will remain at 30 characters and will always be the first 30 characters of the full description (and non editable).

  • When performing a Product search the system will always show the Full Description
  • All Product Index screens will now show the Full Description
  • Tabbing Sequences using the old Description Field will now tab into the Full Description field

Report Generator
The Product Description update also affects Report Generator with ‘Product Description’ being removed and replaced with ‘Product Full Description’ and ‘Product Base Description”. Please note: existing reports using Product Description will be set to use Product Base Description. 

Export Import Utility
The Product Description update also affects Export Import Utility with ‘Product Description’ being removed and replaced with ‘Product Full Description’ and ‘Product Base Description”. Please note: existing stored Exports using Product Description will be set to use Product Full Description. 

Duplicate Product Configuration
The Product Description update also affects Duplicate Product Configuration with ‘Description’ being removed and replaced with ‘Full Description’ and ‘Base Description”. Please note: Product Full Description will now default to True and the Base Description will replace the old Description value.