New Menu item > Search Configuration

A new Menu item called ‘Search Configuration’ has been created. This new configuration will allow sites to configure defaults to be used for the new System Global Search functionality across their system. 

This new and improved search process is currently being applied to Product only. 

Users can also configure their own defaults with the ability to restore the defaults if required. To configure users see Product – Index > Options > Change My Configuration

To configure your site, navigate within the menu to ‘Search Configuration’. On opening you will see the following screen:

Search Type
Currently the only available option available in the drop down is ‘Product’.

Default Layout
Sites will have 3 Layout Options to choose from

  • Standard (Default on Install) – ‘Product ID’ and ‘Description’ columns are mandatory, other columns are configurable (see Search Columns section below and ‘My Search Configuration’). Click here for example of an Standard Screen
  • Expanded – this layout also allows configurable Filters and Conditions to further define the list of searched results Click here for example of an Expanded Screen
  • Last Used – this will use the last layout used by the user

Filter Sequence Based on Usage
When this is selected, the Filters sequence will apply to the User’s usage with the most used listed first. This sorting only applies on the Index initial loading.

Search Columns
This allows for what information to be shown in the columns across the screen from left to right. Note: ‘Product ID’ and ‘Product Description’ are mandatory but they can be moved to any position in the list

Search Filters
This allows for filters to be set when performing an Expanded Search so the user can filter the results of a search. When performing a new search, the Filter selections are cleared

Search Conditions
This allows for the user to add conditions to the search when performing an Expanded Search. A ‘Default’ for each condition can also be set as either True or False.

The Fields within these Search parameters can then be sorted by being moved up and down.