Shipment Costing > Overseas Extras

 Overseas Extras are now included within Shipment Costing functionality.

  • All extra values will be included on the calculated FOB and FOB A$ fields. 
  • Product Level Extras will form part of the new cost for its attached Product. 
  • Order Level Extras will be portioned among all products for the new cost.

 Checks are made to ensure there are no invalid Product Level Extras, such as:

  • Extra line assigned to a Consignment without its Product line
  • Extra line assigned to a Consignment with a fully cancelled Product line

The Shipment Costing report has been adjusted to include the following extra columns:

  • Extra 1 (Product Level Extras)
  • Extra 2 (Order Level Extras)

Shipment Costing report now has a new Layout option of ‘Extended – 200 columns’ for this Report. There is also now an ACR only configuration that can switch between printing the ‘Price’ or the ‘FOB’ Columns on the Shipment Costing report.