Due to the upcoming ATO STP revisions, we have revised the STP Code when using the ETP function within the following processes:
Payroll Entry
The system currently uses ‘Other Reason’ when performing an ETP, with this change the system will now ask the user to select the appropriate ETP Payment Code.
The ETP Type options are as follows:
- Redundancy et al
- Other Reason
- Split ETP Type R
- Split ETP Type O
- Dependant
- Non-Dependant
- Split ETP Type N
- Trustee of the Deceased Estate
Post Year End Adjustment
Since this process can have ETP implications we have made the necessary changes to fully support the revised Code changes.
Employee Maintenance – Pay Alloc Summary
When an ETP transaction has been completed for an Employee, their Employee file will reflect the Code used within the Payment Allocation Summary Single Touch Payroll – Other section.
Please note: that in our example below we have purposely used a Tax Free $1000.00 amount which shows as a ETP $0.00 Tax value within the STP Other section.