Order File Report > changed functionality

Order File Report when using Standard Option

This report will now print Product quantities from the Ordered stock area, instead of the Total value for all Stock areas. This change applies to the following columns:

  • Back Order Now
  • Stock on Hand Now
  • Stock on Order Now
  • Stock on Special Order Now
  • Stock on Back Order Then (For Orders created from this update on)
  • Stock on Hand Then (For Orders created from this update on)
  • Stock on Order Then (For Orders created from this update on)

Please note: When the qualifier of ‘Order Status’ is set to ‘Unprinted’, then the columns will show as ‘NOW’, all other options will show as ‘THEN’.


Order File Report when using Weekly Dissection

This report will now print Product quantities from the Ordered stock area, instead of the Total value for all Stock areas. This change applies to the following columns:

  • Stock on Hand Now
  • Stock on Order Now
  • Stock on Hand Then (For Orders created from this update on)
  • Stock on Order Then (For Orders created from this update on)
  • All Week Sale Ship and Short quantity columns

Please note: When the qualifier of ‘Order Status’ is set to ‘Unprinted’, then the columns will show as ‘NOW’, all other options will show as ‘THEN’.