A new report has been added to the Warehouse menu in ACR. This report is called Confirmation Short Supplied Report. Products that have been Short Supplied through either the Confirmation System or RF picking guns and have had the invoice completed (but not printed) will display on this report.
The Confirmation Short Supplied report can be qualified by the Batch ID. If left blank it will return all products that have been short supplied on a completed but not printed invoice.
Two version of the report can be produced. These are the Summary report and the Detailed Report.
Summary Report:
The summary report will display a list of products containing the follow information
- PRD NO – Product ID of the product that has been shorted.
- DESCRIPTION – Product Description of the Short Supplied product.
- TOT INV – the number of invoices this product has been shorted on.
- TOT SHIPPED – Total Shipped Quantity of this product on the invoices. This column includes a total of all shipped products at the end of the column.
- TOT SHORT – This is the Total Shorted Quantity of the product on the qualified invoices. This column includes a total of all shipped products at the end of the column.
Detailed Report:
The Detailed report will display a list of invoices grouped by customer containing the follow information
- CUST NO – the customer’s Customer ID.
- CUST NAME – Customer Name.
- INV NO – the invoice number the product was short supplied on.
- PRD NO – Product ID of the product that has been shorted.
- DESCRIPTION – Product description of the Short Supplied product.
- ORDERED – The quantity of the product order on this invoice.
- SHIPPED – Quantity of this product that has been shipped on this invoice. This column includes a total of all shipped products at the end of the column.
- SHORT – This is the shorted quantity of the product on this invoice. This column includes a total of all shipped products at the end of the column.