Quick Customer Editor Configuration

In follow up to our previous update to Quick Customer Editor Configuration, the following configurations for new field ‘Terms Code’ have now been included:

  • Terms Code – Editable Column (Default to False)
  • Terms Code – Mandatory Column (Locked as True)
  • Terms Code – Default Column (Default to Template)
  • Terms Code – Preload Column (Default to Preload)

The following existing fields are now able to be configured within the Default and Preload Columns, and will default to ‘Preload’ with this update installation:

  • Contact Surname – Preload Column (Default to Preload)
  • Contact Given Names – Preload Column (Default to Preload)
  • Contact Email – Preload Column (Default to Preload)
  • Contact Mobile No – Preload Column (Default to Preload)

When using the function ‘Create Customer’ within the Invoicing System, the Terms Code and the Order Contact fields on the Invoice (Behind the Delivery button) will preload into their corresponding fields within Quick Customer Editor when configured to.

These fields will show within Quick Customer Editor and will behave according to the  corresponding set configurations.