Invoice Configuration new field > ‘Show for Back Orders’

Within Invoice Configuration a new field called ‘Show for Back Orders’  has been created to work with the existing Configuration ‘Show message if price less than cost’. This new tick box will only become available when ‘Show message if price less than cost’ is True and will default to False upon installation.

Invoicing System

When loading a Product Back Order onto an Invoice, if both ‘Show message if price less than cost’ and ‘Show for Back Orders’ are True, a warning message will be shown if the Price is now less than the current Cost.

When the ‘Show message if price less than cost’ is ticked and the ‘Show for Back Orders’ is unticked, then this message will not show for back orders where the price is less than current cost.

Auto Back Order Invoicing / Back Order Maintenance – Release Back Orders

If both ‘Show message if price less than cost’ and ‘Show for Back Orders’ are True, then any Back Order with a Price which is now less than the current Cost, will be excluded on any Invoice created. It will act as if that Back Order is not ‘Ready’.

Note: A Back Order excluded in this way can prevent other ‘Ready’ Back Orders from loading if they are Linked by Sales Order.