There is a lot of technical jargon that gets used around the world and mostly, none of us understand it all. The Tech Team at ACR are guilty of it too, and we shouldn’t assume you know all the terms, just as we don’t understand all the facets of your business and sometimes it makes us feel clueless. We do enjoy learning though.
Here are three terms we use a lot, and hopefully a quick de-mystifying way we use them when speaking with you.
The Internet – More Than Google.
Your Internet Service Provider gives you a Wireless or Wired Internet service to access networks outside your premises. We rely on this to support your use of the ACR Shoptalk and Tradetalk software products, to deliver online documents like orders and invoices and much, much more!
Ports – Too Many Meanings.
Your “port” is not only how the ACR software recognises your computer, but also a special way that Internet connections communicate with each other. Internet “Port Forwards” on your Router allow us to support, update and maintain your ACR Server, and also to deliver online documents to your ACR server like the ones discussed in the previous point.
Cloud – Mysterious, but Secure and Reliable.
A common misconception is that “The Cloud” is somewhere… out there… no one knows where it is. Completely untrue. We subscribe to a professional, high tier on-demand distributed computing provider. All of our servers on their platform have many layers of redundancy and protection from intrusion, and are well maintained by ACR and the cloud provider.
Any time you would like us to elaborate, explain or de-mystify any concept to do with your use of ACR software, we are happy to do so.