Within Creditor Auto Payments a number of changes have been made. Lets step through each of them:
- A new Due Date column has been created as part of the detail fields for each record line showing the due date of the Invoice. In this example a Supplier has been selected and this then shows the Invoice records including the due date.
- New detail has been created to show the Date/time and Operator initials of when/who printed Requisitions and Remittance Advices. Users can hover over the details with their cursor to see the Operator’s name.
- Within the Remittance Advice Qualifying screen the Payment Types selection fields have been removed.
New Qualifier screen Old Qualifier screen
- The Process button will no longer Auto Allocate when pressed if the payment date is in the current or future creditor month. Instead the system will now create pre-allocations in all cases to be used within ‘Creditor Payment Allocation’.
- When Process is successfully pressed, the system will now store the payment details and make them available within the new menu item ‘Creditor Payment Summary’