Customer Maintenance > Change Log History

Within Customer Maintenance Change Log History,  the list shown within the Dropdown field has changed to only reflect those fields that have been modified. When opening the Change Log History, the screen will open to the most recent change for that Customer record. The System Logs for this functionality have also now been increased to cover more fields within the Customer record.

The below fields within Customer Maintenance have now been created within the System logging function making it able to identify changes and use within the Export / Import Utility:

  • Inv Original Output Type
  • Inv Original eDoc Output Type
  • Inv Extra Invoice Copies
  • Inv Extra Invoice Output Type
  • Inv Extra Delivery Copies
  • Inv Extra Delivery Output Type
  • Inv Reprint Output Type
  • Inv Reprint eDoc Output Type
  • Inv eDoc Output Method
  • Inv eDoc Output Destination
  • Inv eDoc Output Contact Name
  • MO Original Output Type
  • MO Original eDoc Output Type
  • MO Extra Invoice Copies
  • MO Extra Invoice Output Type
  • MO Extra Delivery Copies
  • MO Extra Delivery Output Type
  • MO Reprint Output Type
  • MO Reprint eDoc Output Type
  • MO eDoc Output Method
  • MO eDoc Output Destination
  • MO eDoc Output Contact Name
  • eDoc Statement Out Method
  • eDoc Statement Destination
  • eDoc Statement Contact Name
  • eDoc Statement Bulk Out Method
  • eDoc Statement Bulk Destination
  • eDoc Statement Bulk Contact Name
  • eDoc POS Tax Inv Out Method
  • eDoc POS Tax Inv Destination
  • eDoc POS Tax Inv Contact Name
  • eDoc POS Quote Out Method
  • eDoc POS Quote Destination
  • eDoc POS Quote Contact Name
  • eDoc POS Acc Pay Out Method
  • eDoc POS Acc Pay Destination
  • eDoc POS Acc Pay Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Tax Inv Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Tax Inv Destination
  • eDoc Inv Tax Inv Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Export Inv Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Export Inv Destination
  • eDoc Inv Export Inv Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Adj Note Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Adj Note Destination
  • eDoc Inv Adj Note Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv No Charge Out Method
  • eDoc Inv No Charge Destination
  • eDoc Inv No Charge Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Dmg Goods Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Dmg Goods Destination
  • eDoc Inv Dmg Goods Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Short Sup Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Short Sup Destination
  • eDoc Inv Short Sup Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Back Order Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Back Order Destination
  • eDoc Inv Back Order Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Quote Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Quote Destination
  • eDoc Inv Quote Contact Name
  • eDoc Inv Pro Forma Out Method
  • eDoc Inv Pro Forma Destination
  • eDoc Inv Pro Forma Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Tax Inv Out Method
  • eDoc MO Tax Inv Destination
  • eDoc MO Tax Inv Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Export Inv Out Method
  • eDoc MO Export Inv Destination
  • eDoc MO Export Inv Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Adj Note Out Method
  • eDoc MO Adj Note Destination
  • eDoc MO Adj Note Contact Name
  • eDoc MO No Charge Out Method
  • eDoc MO No Charge Destination
  • eDoc MO No Charge Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Dmg Goods Out Method
  • eDoc MO Dmg Goods Destination
  • eDoc MO Dmg Goods Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Short Sup Out Method
  • eDoc MO Short Sup Destination
  • eDoc MO Short Sup Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Back Order Out Method
  • eDoc MO Back Order Destination
  • eDoc MO Back Order Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Quote Out Method
  • eDoc MO Quote Destination
  • eDoc MO Quote Contact Name
  • eDoc MO Pro Forma Out Method
  • eDoc MO Pro Forma Destination
  • eDoc MO Pro Forma Contact Name
  • eDoc Deb Pay Advice Out Method
  • eDoc Deb Pay Advice Destination
  • eDoc Deb Pay Advice Contact Name
  • eDoc Dir Deb Advice Out Method
  • eDoc Dir Deb Advice Destination
  • eDoc Dir Deb Advice Contact Name
  • eDoc Loy Advice Out Method
  • eDoc Loy Advice Destination
  • eDoc Loy Advice Contact Name
  • eDoc Loy Voucher Out Method
  • eDoc Loy Voucher Destination
  • eDoc Loy Voucher Contact Name
  • eDoc Bulk Email Out Method
  • eDoc Bulk Email Destination
  • eDoc Bulk Email Contact Name
  • eDoc Adj Note Out Method
  • eDoc Adj Note Destination
  • eDoc Adj Note Contact Name
  • eDoc Rep Authorised Out Method
  • eDoc Rep Authorised Destination
  • eDoc Rep Authorised Contact Name
  • eDoc Rep Received Out Method
  • eDoc Rep Received Destination
  • eDoc Rep Received Contact Name
  • eDoc Rep Send Out Method
  • eDoc Rep Send Destination
  • eDoc Rep Send Contact Name
  • eDoc Rep Ready Out Method
  • eDoc Rep Ready Destination
  • eDoc Rep Ready Contact Name
  • eDoc Srv Docket Out Method
  • eDoc Srv Docket Destination
  • eDoc Srv Docket Contact Name