Creditors System- latest enhancements

Have you seen the latest enhancements to our Creditors System yet? Here’s a little of what’s new:

The Cash Payment Entry menu now uses F5 Pre-Allocation functionality- making the process of entering Cash Payments and pre-allocating them to a Supplier Invoice so much easier.

The Creditor Payment Allocations menu now automatically performs the Allocate (Alloc) function for you, loading all the Pre-Allocations ready for you to accept!

The Creditor Auto Payments menu now has new Due Date detail and also now has Operator detail to show when/whom a Requisition/Remittance advice was completed.

The Creditor Payment Summary is a great new menu item that helps you manage the Printing/Reprinting of Remittance Advices and Requisitions. It also assists users to review Current Creditor Payments by having the ability to:
* drill down on and view the Invoices relating to the payment
* attach the PDF copies of the Invoices via the Document Processing System (DPS)

Linking all these processes together means that Users have the ability to view and select Accounts Payable records when performing a Cash Payment so not only can you ensure the total is correct, you can save time when performing Creditor Payment Allocations as Pre Allocations will be made at the time of the Cash Payment. A Remittance Advice can then be easily printed via the new menu item Creditor Payment Summary. 

For further information on these latest updates, please see the below links:

Cash Payment Entry
Creditor Auto Payments
Creditor Payment Allocations
Creditor Payment Summary
Document Processing System (DPS)